You have clearly made a 10% profit but instead of counting your profits and reinvest you say i can as well make 30% and then somehow it goes your way. At this point, any desire to go above the 30% you have just made with out a clear cut reason is what we call greed.
This is one of the main reason that will prevent you from maximising profits. Remember that cryptos are very volatile.
A 10% profit that is sure now is better than a 60% profit you are hoping for because it may never come soon.
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
It is very possible to make money everyday from
diversify your coin portfolio and invest in healthy coins. then apply dalemats strategy.
you cant go wrong with this.
diversify your coin portfolio and invest in healthy coins. then apply dalemats strategy.
you cant go wrong with this.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Dogecoin looks very healthy today. it seems a lot of multivitamins has been pumped into it.
if i were to look at what has happened in last 48hrs and 1 month ago. i think it will be fair to buy a small portion of it then monitor the market and see what happens.
The health of a coin is what should be given consideration first before buying. An unhealthy coin is best suited for speculation purpose.
syscoin has fallen in value . yes we can see that, but it is still looking healthy.
In my opinion, for the fact that it is still healthy despite the fall. i will still stick with it. supposing as it fell and becomes unhealthy then that should call for concerns.
I will still stick to syscoin for a while because as far as i am concerned it still looks healthy.
i will choose the health of a coin anyday as a yardstick before considering any other parameter.
syscoin has fallen in value . yes we can see that, but it is still looking healthy.
In my opinion, for the fact that it is still healthy despite the fall. i will still stick with it. supposing as it fell and becomes unhealthy then that should call for concerns.
I will still stick to syscoin for a while because as far as i am concerned it still looks healthy.
i will choose the health of a coin anyday as a yardstick before considering any other parameter.
Let us analysis the vcash (xvc) 24hrs chart critically and see if we can make some money out of it. from the chart you will notice an increase in price from about 26600 sats to about 35000 sats. That is about 31.57% in profits in less than 24hrs which is huge for anybody who keyed into it. Now when you look at the chart after that peak of about 35000 you begin to see a downward trend as in a fall in price.
from the arrow mark it is about 32500 sats. That is a buy opportunity coming up gradually. be that as it may, i will advice and recommend you wait a bit and see if it will falls below 30000 sats. If it does then dont hesitate to buy. still follow it up with a buy order if the price falls further.
if there is a rebound just stay put
This is what i will personally do, if i have bitcoins now.
Note: This is just an honest review and recommendation. You are not obligated in any way to follow this review.
Make sure you do you personal research and be convinced about it before buying and selling any coin.
from the arrow mark it is about 32500 sats. That is a buy opportunity coming up gradually. be that as it may, i will advice and recommend you wait a bit and see if it will falls below 30000 sats. If it does then dont hesitate to buy. still follow it up with a buy order if the price falls further.
if there is a rebound just stay put
This is what i will personally do, if i have bitcoins now.
Note: This is just an honest review and recommendation. You are not obligated in any way to follow this review.
Make sure you do you personal research and be convinced about it before buying and selling any coin.

Monday, 28 March 2016
Dont buy a coin just because it is cheap. that is not a sufficient reason to buy a coin.
An expensive coin might be a better coin to buy instead of a cheap coin.
A coin worth buying must have the following characteristics
1. A decent market capitalisation that tends to increase either monthly , quarterly or bi annually.
2. A very high trading volume.
3.A decent amount of buy orders or buy support.
4. If it is a cheap coin then that would be an added advantage.
An expensive coin might be a better coin to buy instead of a cheap coin.
A coin worth buying must have the following characteristics
1. A decent market capitalisation that tends to increase either monthly , quarterly or bi annually.
2. A very high trading volume.
3.A decent amount of buy orders or buy support.
4. If it is a cheap coin then that would be an added advantage.
I will always say this without mincing words. crypto currency trading is one of the best and most rewarding investment opportunity one can venture into.
It is one of the easiest, cleanest and very legal ways of making money.
By April 2016, i will be one full year trading cryptos. And from my experience. it has earned me more money than some regular job and my investments is very much intact. i only live on my profits noting more.
Take this from someone who has almost one year of crypto trading experience.
It is one of the easiest, cleanest and very legal ways of making money.
By April 2016, i will be one full year trading cryptos. And from my experience. it has earned me more money than some regular job and my investments is very much intact. i only live on my profits noting more.
Take this from someone who has almost one year of crypto trading experience.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
Syscoin has fallen further to about 1675sats. some will say i have lost money. But i will say you will gain if buy as it has fallen as long as you are ready to be patient.
Remember syscoin some days back reach almost 4000sats. History can still repeat itself if you are not in a hurry.
even as the price has fallen knowing fully well what cryptos can do i will recommend you buy if you the funds.
Remember syscoin some days back reach almost 4000sats. History can still repeat itself if you are not in a hurry.
even as the price has fallen knowing fully well what cryptos can do i will recommend you buy if you the funds.
Saturday, 26 March 2016
The value of syscoin has droped to about 1860 sats but i dont think there is any reason to panic. if you apply my cushioning effect then you are good to go.
i believe it will bounce back soon.
i believe it will bounce back soon.
Friday, 25 March 2016
It is as if DASH is giving ETHEREUM a good run for the money. it is trying to catch up at a fast pace. This is actually interesting.
Speculators, do you need a seer to read the handwriting on the wall. Earlier today dash was a little bit above $6, it is now above $7. Creeping up gradually to be at par with Ethereum.
Lets see how events turn out in future.
Speculators, do you need a seer to read the handwriting on the wall. Earlier today dash was a little bit above $6, it is now above $7. Creeping up gradually to be at par with Ethereum.
Lets see how events turn out in future.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
GMC pulled some surprises in less than 10 hours. Just waking up now and saw gamecredits shot up. Indeed this coins are unpredictable.
There are just like the proverbial "thief that comes in the night". Inorder to catch the thief you need to stay awake all night.
Is it worth it? Yes in most cases if you ask me.
Some of this coins are directly and indirectly linked in a way. I have noticed that a rise or fall in one coin triggers a proportionate rise and fall in the other coins too. eg maidsafecoin and storjcoin x
When you compare the two charts you will notice some similarities although not a perfect one. As maidsafe increases or decreases there is a near proportionate increase and decrease in storjcoin too.
study the marked area well.
There are just like the proverbial "thief that comes in the night". Inorder to catch the thief you need to stay awake all night.
Is it worth it? Yes in most cases if you ask me.
Some of this coins are directly and indirectly linked in a way. I have noticed that a rise or fall in one coin triggers a proportionate rise and fall in the other coins too. eg maidsafecoin and storjcoin x
study the marked area well.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Ethereum 4 day chart has shown a consistent upward trend with multiple volatility points(buy and sell opportunity). It has naturally carved a niche for itself saying " This part is for the big boys".
A large large investor of say 200 bitcoins can easily recoup his /her investment in no time.
People that have big funds laying around doing nothing, bitcoin/ethereum market is where to put your money. I am very very sure of that with data to back my claim.
good luck
A large large investor of say 200 bitcoins can easily recoup his /her investment in no time.
People that have big funds laying around doing nothing, bitcoin/ethereum market is where to put your money. I am very very sure of that with data to back my claim.
good luck
Syscoin just experienced a 9% increase after the launch of sys market just a few minute ago. Could this be a comeback for syscoin? could this also be a time for syscoin to reach an all high? These are all questions begging for answer.
Only time will tell. Let us keep our arms crossed.
Only time will tell. Let us keep our arms crossed.
I post some days ago about ethreum stageing a comeback and might hit 3mill sats. We might see that before the end of today.
It little bit above 2. 9mill sats as i post.
It little bit above 2. 9mill sats as i post.
Any one who invested in QORA would be smiling now because the coin increased in value by 300%.
Again as you know cryptos is very volatile. The can rise futher or fall. Either way money can still be made in both scenerios
Again as you know cryptos is very volatile. The can rise futher or fall. Either way money can still be made in both scenerios
If you want to join the watsapp group send your number with your name via Vcard to 09055929906
Once received you will be added to the group.
Once received you will be added to the group.
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Ethereum 24hr chart shows that volatility( buy and sell opportunity) occured about 4 times which is very very good for a full time trader.
What this simply means is that profit would have been made about 4 times just in a day. Imagine that a big time trader with about 50 bitcoin or more would have made between 5 to 9 bitcoins as profit just in 24hrs.
Who says crypto trading is not profitable?
What this simply means is that profit would have been made about 4 times just in a day. Imagine that a big time trader with about 50 bitcoin or more would have made between 5 to 9 bitcoins as profit just in 24hrs.
Who says crypto trading is not profitable?
Monday, 21 March 2016
Hello, If you noticed during the weekend most coins were quite low which is typical during weekends. That was a great opportunity to buy them cheap.
Expect a rally from some of this coins this week.
Expect a rally from some of this coins this week.
Saturday, 19 March 2016
I personally consider FACTOM has a coin that can make you rich. However, it is somewhat unpredictable. Infact no coin is actually predictable thouugh with some data you could approach 50 to 70% accuracy.
From my study of Factom when it falls it falls big and when it rise it rise big too
This 2week chart will give you an idea
From my study of Factom when it falls it falls big and when it rise it rise big too
This 2week chart will give you an idea
Ethereum is gradually crawling up and we may see a price of above 3million satoshis soon. So speculators what are you all waiting for.
Take a plunge into deep and make some catch.
if you take a look at the 24hrs chart you will see an upward trend that is quite healthy if you ask me
Take a plunge into deep and make some catch.
if you take a look at the 24hrs chart you will see an upward trend that is quite healthy if you ask me
Friday, 18 March 2016
In response to request about creating a chat group. I decided to use TELEGRAM because it has mobile version and desktop version.
1. Download the app from playstore or from their website then register
2. click on this link to join the group
1. Download the app from playstore or from their website then register
2. click on this link to join the group
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Remember, i bought syscoin some hours ago at 2,612 sats with 1bitcoin and not to long ago i sold it at average rate of 2,941 sats.
so it means i just made a profit of 0.12 bitcoins which is about N15,000 in less than 5 hours.
Now, who says crypto trading is not profitable.
I will post the pictures. please take note of the time i bought and the time i sold.
so it means i just made a profit of 0.12 bitcoins which is about N15,000 in less than 5 hours.
Now, who says crypto trading is not profitable.
I will post the pictures. please take note of the time i bought and the time i sold.
Hello everyone,
I just bought syscoin with 1 bitcoin at the rate 2,612 satoshis. with what happened today, i cannot resist the urge to buy.
Anyway let us see how events turn out. i will post picture
I just bought syscoin with 1 bitcoin at the rate 2,612 satoshis. with what happened today, i cannot resist the urge to buy.
Anyway let us see how events turn out. i will post picture
Maidsafecoin has refused to rise above the amount i bought which was 28,505 sats. But i want to keep faith with the coin for a while and see what happens.
If it remains like that for to long then i will adopt dalemats trading strategy and leave the market without a single loss.
If you want to know about my strategies then keep reading my past and recent posts. you will see it and understand it.
If it remains like that for to long then i will adopt dalemats trading strategy and leave the market without a single loss.
If you want to know about my strategies then keep reading my past and recent posts. you will see it and understand it.
Hello followers,
I would like to share with you my exciting moments with digibyte. I bought some dgb about 2 weeks ago at 55sats with 0.7btc to be precise.
I am very excited because i left the market at 102sats on average. so i have made above 1btc now.
Digibyte market is still fluctuating and i am waiting before i reinvest again. the price is at 95 sats now.
The key to this game is patience. you are sure to make money trust me.
I would like to share with you my exciting moments with digibyte. I bought some dgb about 2 weeks ago at 55sats with 0.7btc to be precise.
I am very excited because i left the market at 102sats on average. so i have made above 1btc now.
Digibyte market is still fluctuating and i am waiting before i reinvest again. the price is at 95 sats now.
The key to this game is patience. you are sure to make money trust me.
A very catchy topic if you ask me. Is it really possible? A big yes but you have a role to play.
Before this can work, there are some certain things that must be in place or consider. I will list them
1. A decent amount of bitcoins 30 bitcoins and above
2. Basic trading knowledge
3. At least 3 coins with high trading volume and buy support
4. Dalemats trading strategy(coined from my username)
5. PATIENCE. The most important.
With this above criteria met. I can gurantee you that you will always make profit on a daily, weekly and monthly basis guaranteed without making a single loss.
Before this can work, there are some certain things that must be in place or consider. I will list them
1. A decent amount of bitcoins 30 bitcoins and above
2. Basic trading knowledge
3. At least 3 coins with high trading volume and buy support
5. PATIENCE. The most important.
With this above criteria met. I can gurantee you that you will always make profit on a daily, weekly and monthly basis guaranteed without making a single loss.
Anyone who has at least free N5,000,000 in his/her account can start without having fears. You put your money to work and be getting returns on a daily , weekly and monthly basis.
Starting on your own
If you have the funds i mentioned above( Note it must be your funds and free funds you dont need immediately Please dont use public funds)
Then Purchase bitcoins worth N5,000,000 and send to bitcoin wallet then apply the criteria i mentioned above. You will surely make more money guaranteed than fixed deposit or even treasury bills put together.
I am willing to offer you training at little or no cost at all. feel free to contact me at 07031527001
Allow an experienced trader trade for you
This is where i come in. Terms and conditions must be stated and agreed upon first. if i were to trade on your behalf, every profit made will be shared in the ratio 80% for me 20% for you. it is negotiable though if you are interested.
feel free to contact me at 07031527001
Loan me the money
You can loan me the money with your terms and condition. if ok with me. On my own part, i will remitt 9.6% of the loan amount monthly for 12months. That is about 15.2% return on investment. My lawyer and your lawyer must be involved.
feel free to contact me at 07031527001
If you decide to choose any of the three options, you must make money..
Thank you for reading and hope to hear from you
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Sorry no audio. I am working on that before i post another video.
This is just a short video of how to fund your account with dollars before purchasing bitcoin with it. Your accounts and debit card need to to be verified before you can use it.
And ensure that you have enough funds in it. In this video my account was not funded probably because i have exceeded the card limit.
This is just a short video of how to fund your account with dollars before purchasing bitcoin with it. Your accounts and debit card need to to be verified before you can use it.
And ensure that you have enough funds in it. In this video my account was not funded probably because i have exceeded the card limit.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Remember i said earlier that syscoin is good coin for both speculators and traders. True to my words, the coin in less than 24hrs has increased in value almost by 30%
Below is the 24hr chart
Crypto currency will make you rich if you apply it with an open mind. PROCRASTINATION IS THE THIEF OF TIME
Below is the 24hr chart
Crypto currency will make you rich if you apply it with an open mind. PROCRASTINATION IS THE THIEF OF TIME
The question is crypto trading related and if you are the first to get the answer correct the i will send you some satoshis to your bitcoin address.
Note: include your bitcoin address when posting your answers
Here we go
I bought siacoins with 1bitcoin at the rate of 22 satoshis, few days later i sold at 0.0000002.
Did i make a profit? And by how much?
waiting for your answers. post it in comments
Note: include your bitcoin address when posting your answers
Here we go
I bought siacoins with 1bitcoin at the rate of 22 satoshis, few days later i sold at 0.0000002.
Did i make a profit? And by how much?
waiting for your answers. post it in comments
Crypto currencies(bitcoin been the pioneer) can and is used as a store of value accepted all over the world. The market value of 1 bitcoin as i post is about $415(N124,500).
The question now arises. How is bitcoin advantageous to a nigeria living abroad and at home?
Before answering this question, let us first look at the features of bitcoin or any crypto currency.
1 It can be sent to any where in the world in less than 10 minutes in the comfort of your home without going to the bank.
2 No 3rd party is required to send it thereby eliminating any sort of commision or fees associated with the 3rd party
3. And the good part is that it is a good store of value
Now, the advantage
1. If a nigerian abroad or at home wants to send money, that can be acheieved in less than 30mins.
2. It is also a means of getting foreign currencies like USD, EUR, GBP etc
3. you dont need to wait two days for the money to arrive.
I hope you understand now.
The question now arises. How is bitcoin advantageous to a nigeria living abroad and at home?
Before answering this question, let us first look at the features of bitcoin or any crypto currency.
1 It can be sent to any where in the world in less than 10 minutes in the comfort of your home without going to the bank.
2 No 3rd party is required to send it thereby eliminating any sort of commision or fees associated with the 3rd party
3. And the good part is that it is a good store of value
Now, the advantage
1. If a nigerian abroad or at home wants to send money, that can be acheieved in less than 30mins.
2. It is also a means of getting foreign currencies like USD, EUR, GBP etc
3. you dont need to wait two days for the money to arrive.
I hope you understand now.
if you have been following my post on my investing on maidsafecoin then you would have noticed that the coin has refused to rise above the price i bought 28,505 satoshi. The price is below 24,000 sats as i post which is loss if i decide to sell now.
I will like to inform you that leaving a market at a loss somtimes is helpful. if you discover a coin that has a potential of giving you 30% to 50% returns then it is a wise decision to leave at loss and enter the new market.
This way you recover from your loss and make a little profit. you see. But be sure you are experienced and convinced enough before trying this strategy though.
I intend using this strategy if i see a potential coin that can bring the return that will
cover for my loss as i pull out and make a small profit. or at least break even.
please you are welcome to comment and ask questions regarding any of my posts
I will like to inform you that leaving a market at a loss somtimes is helpful. if you discover a coin that has a potential of giving you 30% to 50% returns then it is a wise decision to leave at loss and enter the new market.
This way you recover from your loss and make a little profit. you see. But be sure you are experienced and convinced enough before trying this strategy though.
I intend using this strategy if i see a potential coin that can bring the return that will
cover for my loss as i pull out and make a small profit. or at least break even.
please you are welcome to comment and ask questions regarding any of my posts
Crypto currency has opened a lot of business opportunity which also includes being self employed.
The branch of crypto currency that enables self employment is the trading aspect. With 1bitcoin or more used for trading can generate between N5,000 to N100,000 or more in a day,week or months. How do i know this?
it is simply because this is what i do fulltime.After service about 4 years ago with no job, i stumbled on cryptos about 7months ago and since then i have not looked back.
i earn more than some paid jobs out there.
What is required to start?
1. A laptop or phone that is internet enabled
2. 1bitcoin or more to start with
3 A registered trading account
4 Basic training on how to trade
Monday, 14 March 2016
I would like to list some coins that i beleive will be good for speculators to buy now.
1. Ethereum
2. Digiibyte
The above coins are very good to buy and keep for future. The reasons are not farfetched. The developers of this coins have a plan to make the coins appreciate in value.
The continually seek for investors.
The protocol and code that runs their coin is always updated and inproved
The trading volume and buy orders are usually very healthy
Below are coins that are good for trading.
1 Ethereum: the coin is increasing in value on a daily basis. Apart from the fact that it is acoin for speculators, it is also a coin good for trading if you have large amount of bitcoins say 50btc and above. it is a very volatile coin. This volatility can occur 3 or more times in day. And as we all know, this is where the money is VOLATILITY
2.Radium: the coin is good also because it has good volatility to
3. Factom
4. Maidsafecoin
5. Syscoin
1. Ethereum
2. Digiibyte
The above coins are very good to buy and keep for future. The reasons are not farfetched. The developers of this coins have a plan to make the coins appreciate in value.
The continually seek for investors.
The protocol and code that runs their coin is always updated and inproved
The trading volume and buy orders are usually very healthy
Below are coins that are good for trading.
1 Ethereum: the coin is increasing in value on a daily basis. Apart from the fact that it is acoin for speculators, it is also a coin good for trading if you have large amount of bitcoins say 50btc and above. it is a very volatile coin. This volatility can occur 3 or more times in day. And as we all know, this is where the money is VOLATILITY
2.Radium: the coin is good also because it has good volatility to
3. Factom
4. Maidsafecoin
5. Syscoin
Saturday, 12 March 2016
Ethereum as at this morning is $14 as against $13 yesterday. I am of the opinion that the developers of ethereum are very ambitious and they are working towards it slowly but surely.
As stated earlier, i would not be suprised if ethereum hits a $100 by the end of the year or next year. Do not procrastinate for it is the thief of time.
Many people bit their finger when they realised that bitcoin was beyond their reach and have regreted missing a great opportunity at the time.
Mark it, history may be trying to repeat itself with ethereum. Act now.
If for nothing, maybe curiosity, why not buy 1 or 2 ethereum and keep till the end of the year and see what happens.
I personally try to buy at least 2 ethereum every day because i am very sure the price will increase in future.
As stated earlier, i would not be suprised if ethereum hits a $100 by the end of the year or next year. Do not procrastinate for it is the thief of time.
Many people bit their finger when they realised that bitcoin was beyond their reach and have regreted missing a great opportunity at the time.
Mark it, history may be trying to repeat itself with ethereum. Act now.
If for nothing, maybe curiosity, why not buy 1 or 2 ethereum and keep till the end of the year and see what happens.
I personally try to buy at least 2 ethereum every day because i am very sure the price will increase in future.
We all know in nigeria that the interest on a fixed deposit has reduced so much that it is as if fixed deposit is not worth it anymore.
I am not in any way saying fixed deposit isn't a good investment plan but that the return is very low compared to the returns from crypto currency in general.
Let us look at it from this perspective.
Mr A fixes N5,000,000 for 30days at 5% interest. The returns after 30days is N20,833.333. very low if you ask me
Now, Mr B decides to buy N5,000,000 worth of bitcoin (37bitcoins)to trade it with ethereum.Incase you dont know, ethereum is a highly traded and sort after coin with a huge market cap, and trading volume and second to bitcoin.
Two days ago ethereum market value was about 2,880,000 satoshis, and now as i write this post, it about 3,200,000. If an investor purchase ethereum with 37bitcoin(N5,000,000) at 2,880,000 and sells at 3,200,000 then the investor will be making 41.1bitcoins. That is a return of 4.1bitcoins
Which translates to about 4.11 X $416 =$1710 =N495,964.44.
Now compare N20,833.33 in a month and N495.964.44 within a week.
Judge for your self which is desirable.
I know there a lot of people that have more than this amount lying around. Why not give cryptos a trial and increase your finance more significantly.
I am very willing to advice and assist if you need me.
I am not in any way saying fixed deposit isn't a good investment plan but that the return is very low compared to the returns from crypto currency in general.
Let us look at it from this perspective.
Mr A fixes N5,000,000 for 30days at 5% interest. The returns after 30days is N20,833.333. very low if you ask me
Now, Mr B decides to buy N5,000,000 worth of bitcoin (37bitcoins)to trade it with ethereum.Incase you dont know, ethereum is a highly traded and sort after coin with a huge market cap, and trading volume and second to bitcoin.
Two days ago ethereum market value was about 2,880,000 satoshis, and now as i write this post, it about 3,200,000. If an investor purchase ethereum with 37bitcoin(N5,000,000) at 2,880,000 and sells at 3,200,000 then the investor will be making 41.1bitcoins. That is a return of 4.1bitcoins
Which translates to about 4.11 X $416 =$1710 =N495,964.44.
Now compare N20,833.33 in a month and N495.964.44 within a week.
Judge for your self which is desirable.
I know there a lot of people that have more than this amount lying around. Why not give cryptos a trial and increase your finance more significantly.
I am very willing to advice and assist if you need me.
Ethereum is the coin for the is now a little bit above $13 in value as i post now.
This is a great opportunity for speculators to start buying and keep for the future while it is cheap. I would not be suprised if it hits $100 buy the end of the year.
Remember, that this was how bitcoin started. Is history about to repeat itself? Only time will tell.
This is a great opportunity for speculators to start buying and keep for the future while it is cheap. I would not be suprised if it hits $100 buy the end of the year.
Remember, that this was how bitcoin started. Is history about to repeat itself? Only time will tell.
Hello guys, for those of you that followed my previous post on how i bought maidsafe coin. I would like to update you by telling you that the coin is still hovering within 24,000sats and 27,000 sats which is lower than the amount i bought 28,505 sats.
Selling it now means, i will be running at a loss. I would still wait a bit to see what happens.
Selling it now means, i will be running at a loss. I would still wait a bit to see what happens.
If you want to have a fill on what it is to trade crypto currencies before going live then i recommend
hitbtc is a trading exchange platform that allow you to practice before putting real money. Give it a try
hitbtc is a trading exchange platform that allow you to practice before putting real money. Give it a try
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supported coins
Friday, 11 March 2016
Trading bitcoin is a very profitable venture as long as you are willing to be patient and adopt some useful strategy. I may not be a professional forex trader but the little i have learnt through self study and practical experimentation is really helping in my crypto trading.
some common strategy that are of help to make profit include
1 Buy cheap and sell high
2. sell cheap and buy cheaper
question 1: what do i do if i buy and the price falls instead of rising? am i not loosing?
answer 1: Trading cryptos is not a smooth ride all the time. Dont invest funds you cant afford to loose. however there are more profits to be made than loses. trust me i have been there.
To answer question1. If you notice a fall in price of a coin you bought, some exchanges offer a tool to help you set a stop limit. you can use this tool to minimise your loss if you cannot wait to long for the coin to increase in value.
the second way which to me is the best is this. Lets assume you have 3 bitcoins and you have decided to trade it with litecoin(ltc). Assuming the price of 1 litecoin is say 840,000 satoshis , do not buy litecoin with all your bitcoins at that price of 840,000 sats because cryptos is very volatile and the price may crash from 840k sats to 780k sats.
This is what to do. Use 1 btc to buy litecoin when the price is 840k sat so that when the price falls to 780k sats use another btc to purchase at the new price and monitor the market. if it falls to say 700k purchase again with the remaining btc and then find your average buying price which should be about 773k sats. At this point you start monitoring your investment. Any price above 773k sats is a profit for you which can happen that day, in 2 days or a weeks time. If the price rise to 890k sats and you decide to sell at that price you will be making about 3.454 btc.
At this point you can remove your profit of 0.454btc which is about $190(above N50,000) and reinvest your 3btc again.
I was able to convince a friend to try out this crypto trading after showing him my proof. He reluctantly parted with N15k thats about 0.108 bitcoin i had to assure him that i will insure the money for him. All this happened about 4 days ago. I guided him and we used the 0.108btc to buy an alt coin called syscoin which was doing well. we bought it for 633 satoshis few days later which was yesterday the price rose to 748 satoshis. I adviced we sell at that price and made about 0.13btc thats a profit of 0.022btc.(confirm the price of syscoin at
The profit may not be much but imagine if he invested 1btc, a profit of about 0.18btc ($75 = N21500 or so)would have be made.
i will post pictures of where i bought with my debit card and other pictures.
you can confirm it from the blockchain
NEW UPDATE 1 (3/3/2016)
Sorry everybody following for the delay in posting. i was blocked from posting and i dont really Know why.
Today i want to talk to you about a coin that you should try and buy while it is still cheap. it is called ETHEREUM(eth). when i started the crypto trading about 6 months the price was less than $0.5 that is about 200,000 satoshis or so. when i started this topic few days ago it was about $5. My brothers and sisters it is now about $10.
I will post reasons why you should buy this coin and keep. I personally have started buying mine. stay tuned
NEW UPDATE 2 (3/3/2016)
As a speculator looking for coins that could have potential value in future below are checklist of what to look for
1. The developmental framework of the developers usually stated on their website and forums.
2. Watch out for daily, weekly or monthly update concerning the coin.
3. How many exchanges trade the coin. you can always find the info on
4. How many notable investors are behind the coin
5. speed of transaction verification.
6. volatility of the said coin over the months. you can plot a visual trend from the chart usually made available in these exchanges
NEW UPDATE 3 (3/3/2016)
1 bitcoin = 100,000,000 satoshis
0.1btc = 10,000,000 satoshis
0.01btc = 1,000,000 satoshis
0.001btc = 100,000 satoshis
0.0001btc = 10,000 satoshis
0.00001btc = 1,000 satoshis
0.000001btc = 100 satoshis
0.0000001btc = 10 satoshis
0.00000001btc = 1 satoshi.
Now this info will be usefull to those looking for free bitcoins from faucets. From my experience, i have never seen a faucet given out 1 full bitcoin, what they offer is satoshis ranging from 1 to 10,000 sats maybe 100,000.
Apart from fixed deposit, treasury bills, and government bonds. Crypto currencies is another lucrative investment anybody should give a try. I operate a fixed deposit account but i am bold to say that crypto currencies has brought me more returns than fixed deposit.
For anyone have spare money lying around doing nothing for you. I will advice you give crypto currency a trial. If you are to skeptical as i was at the beginning, you can test the waters with N1000 to N5000 worth of bitcoins in trading and see if you profit or not within a week or month.
I personally started with about N5000 worth of bitcoins (btc was about $245 6months ago)or so to test the waters. After a week i made some profit. My concern then was how to cashout but i discovered that there were many exchangers willing to buy at the prevailing market. So that is no problem at all
UPDATE 4 4/3/2016
What are buying orders?
Buying orders are simply orders created by buyers for sellers to fill. As a buyer, if your order matches any of the selling order it will automatically be filled. if it does not match, it will automatically be moved to buying orders
What are selling orders?
Selling orders are simply orders created by sellers for buyers to fill. As a seller, if your order matches any of the buying order it will automatically be filled. if it does not match, it will automatically be moved to selling orders
i will post pictures to illustrate
UPDATE 5 4/3/2016
Become self employed trading cryptos
Crypto currency trading can help you become self employed. With an investment of 0.1btc or more you are an your way to becoming self employed.
I am not saying this because i read one ebook or bought a dvd explaining how to. I am actually doing it full time. it is not a difficult rocket science task. A primary school student can do it.
I advice anyone who wants to venture into this exciting terrain with at least 1btc. This is my own personal experience i want to share now.
As at yesterday(3/3/2016) i bought a coin called radium with more than 1btc( let just say 1btc for simplicity) at the rate of about 73,000 sats, today now as i am writing this post the price of radium as increase to 87,100 sats. if i decide to sell of my radium now as i am writing this update i will be getting about 1.19btc. From calculation my profit will be 0.19btc( $78 = N21,971 or so) within 24hrs.
you see how lucrative it is to trade cryptos. The fun part of it is that there is a possiblity for this fluctuation in price to occur 3 to 5times in a week. yes in a week, I am boldly talking from experience.
However, i will not sell now because i feel the price may hit about 100,000 sats or at least above 93,000sats then i will sell remove my profits and reinvest back my 1btc.
So if you are unemployed, cry no more because crypto trading is a way to be selfemployed
UPDATE 6 6/3/2016
Hello Guys, I am so excited because i just sold the RADIUM coin i bought for about 73,000 sats two days ago at an average selling pricce of about 96,000 sats. Remember i told you i invested more than 1btc. Lets calculate my profits based on 1btc investment. After selling at 96,000 sats i will be having 1.315 btc. My profits is 0.315btc($120 = N35,078).
You can confirm the price from the btc/rad chart at poloniex
This is a decent way of earning a living if you ask me.
UPDATE 7 6/3/2016
After my little exploit earlier, I decided to use 2 bitcoins to buy a coin called MAIDSAFECOIN at the rate 28,505 sats this morning with the hopes that it will rise above 32,000 sats before i sell.
Now, you maybe wondering what prompted me to buy this coin. Well, it is not that i can see tomorrow(i wish i could though LOL) it is all based on calculated guess as a result of the information that is available to me about the coin.
1. 1 to 2 weeks trend: the coin has been showing an upward trend since the past 2 weeks. For every fall in price there tends to be a significant rise in price. This is what motivated me.
2. Again the trading volume and the buy support is a great motivator too.
I am willing to wait at least 2 to 4 days tops a week to see how i fare. if the price hits about 35,000 sats, i will definitely sell and collect my profits. I will be updating on that............. stay tuned
UPDATE 8 8/3/2016
I invested 2btc to purchases maidsafecoin at the rate of 28,505 sats. Now the price of maidsafecoin is about 23,950 sats, which a fall in price. If i decide to sell now i will be making a loss which i dont want. So what do i do? simple i just wait another day and see how it goes.
The question now is what if the price falls further, is there something to be done? A big yes. Even when the price is falling you can still make a profit. I will tell you how in the next update...... stay tuned........
UPDATE 9 8/3/2016
I have received so many calls on how to start trading as a newbie and the need for someone to hold them by the hand and guide them. personally, nobody thought me all what i know now, i learn the hard way.But the goodnews is that you dont need to learn the hard way anymore.
For starters,
1. register for an account at any exchange of your choice(i have more than 10 verified accounts in different exchanges).
2. Purchase your bitcoin( i advice minimum 1btc if you can afford it) from any verified nigerian exchangers or use your debit card to purchase from after verification.
3 move your bitcoin to any of the trading exchanges you have registered with then decide which coin you feel is cheap and likely to increase in value.
4.After decision making, you buy the coin and start monitoring the market with the hope that the price will increase in value after a day or week etc.
NOTE: your decision to buy any coin is not based on the fact you know the outcome of the coin tomorrow. it is based on realistic information/parameters available about the coin prior to its been purchased. which include the following to four week chart trend
2 the trading volume
3 the buy support
4 recent developments on the coin by its developers etc
UPDATE 10 10/3/2016
When a coin you bought is falling in value, this is what to do inorder to minimise loss or even eliminate it entirely
1. Make sure you have reserve buying coin(btc) to cushion the effects of the fall. chances are that the price may pick up and you will be making profits all the way.
this is what i mean, if you have 4 bitcoins and you strongly believe maidsafecoin is the coin to buy at the moment, and also not forgetting that cryptos is volatile, you first of all buy with 2 bitcoins and monitor the market, if it falls use the 3rd bitcoin to buy at the new price. if it falls again use the 4th bitcoin to buy at the new price at this point you now have an average buying price lower than the price you bought with 2 btc initially. if the price now rise above the average buying price, you will be making a profit.
if it does not increase, and you cannot wait to long, at this point you decide the percentage loss you are will to take and leave the market for another one. this should be the last resort though because i have use this method and got burnt. As i was counting my loss and leaving the market about 10 to 15mins later the price almost trippled
LESSON to be learnt from crypto trading is PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE.
some common strategy that are of help to make profit include
1 Buy cheap and sell high
2. sell cheap and buy cheaper
question 1: what do i do if i buy and the price falls instead of rising? am i not loosing?
answer 1: Trading cryptos is not a smooth ride all the time. Dont invest funds you cant afford to loose. however there are more profits to be made than loses. trust me i have been there.
To answer question1. If you notice a fall in price of a coin you bought, some exchanges offer a tool to help you set a stop limit. you can use this tool to minimise your loss if you cannot wait to long for the coin to increase in value.
the second way which to me is the best is this. Lets assume you have 3 bitcoins and you have decided to trade it with litecoin(ltc). Assuming the price of 1 litecoin is say 840,000 satoshis , do not buy litecoin with all your bitcoins at that price of 840,000 sats because cryptos is very volatile and the price may crash from 840k sats to 780k sats.
This is what to do. Use 1 btc to buy litecoin when the price is 840k sat so that when the price falls to 780k sats use another btc to purchase at the new price and monitor the market. if it falls to say 700k purchase again with the remaining btc and then find your average buying price which should be about 773k sats. At this point you start monitoring your investment. Any price above 773k sats is a profit for you which can happen that day, in 2 days or a weeks time. If the price rise to 890k sats and you decide to sell at that price you will be making about 3.454 btc.
At this point you can remove your profit of 0.454btc which is about $190(above N50,000) and reinvest your 3btc again.
I was able to convince a friend to try out this crypto trading after showing him my proof. He reluctantly parted with N15k thats about 0.108 bitcoin i had to assure him that i will insure the money for him. All this happened about 4 days ago. I guided him and we used the 0.108btc to buy an alt coin called syscoin which was doing well. we bought it for 633 satoshis few days later which was yesterday the price rose to 748 satoshis. I adviced we sell at that price and made about 0.13btc thats a profit of 0.022btc.(confirm the price of syscoin at
The profit may not be much but imagine if he invested 1btc, a profit of about 0.18btc ($75 = N21500 or so)would have be made.
i will post pictures of where i bought with my debit card and other pictures.
you can confirm it from the blockchain
NEW UPDATE 1 (3/3/2016)
Sorry everybody following for the delay in posting. i was blocked from posting and i dont really Know why.
Today i want to talk to you about a coin that you should try and buy while it is still cheap. it is called ETHEREUM(eth). when i started the crypto trading about 6 months the price was less than $0.5 that is about 200,000 satoshis or so. when i started this topic few days ago it was about $5. My brothers and sisters it is now about $10.
I will post reasons why you should buy this coin and keep. I personally have started buying mine. stay tuned
NEW UPDATE 2 (3/3/2016)
As a speculator looking for coins that could have potential value in future below are checklist of what to look for
1. The developmental framework of the developers usually stated on their website and forums.
2. Watch out for daily, weekly or monthly update concerning the coin.
3. How many exchanges trade the coin. you can always find the info on
4. How many notable investors are behind the coin
5. speed of transaction verification.
6. volatility of the said coin over the months. you can plot a visual trend from the chart usually made available in these exchanges
NEW UPDATE 3 (3/3/2016)
1 bitcoin = 100,000,000 satoshis
0.1btc = 10,000,000 satoshis
0.01btc = 1,000,000 satoshis
0.001btc = 100,000 satoshis
0.0001btc = 10,000 satoshis
0.00001btc = 1,000 satoshis
0.000001btc = 100 satoshis
0.0000001btc = 10 satoshis
0.00000001btc = 1 satoshi.
Now this info will be usefull to those looking for free bitcoins from faucets. From my experience, i have never seen a faucet given out 1 full bitcoin, what they offer is satoshis ranging from 1 to 10,000 sats maybe 100,000.
Apart from fixed deposit, treasury bills, and government bonds. Crypto currencies is another lucrative investment anybody should give a try. I operate a fixed deposit account but i am bold to say that crypto currencies has brought me more returns than fixed deposit.
For anyone have spare money lying around doing nothing for you. I will advice you give crypto currency a trial. If you are to skeptical as i was at the beginning, you can test the waters with N1000 to N5000 worth of bitcoins in trading and see if you profit or not within a week or month.
I personally started with about N5000 worth of bitcoins (btc was about $245 6months ago)or so to test the waters. After a week i made some profit. My concern then was how to cashout but i discovered that there were many exchangers willing to buy at the prevailing market. So that is no problem at all
UPDATE 4 4/3/2016
What are buying orders?
Buying orders are simply orders created by buyers for sellers to fill. As a buyer, if your order matches any of the selling order it will automatically be filled. if it does not match, it will automatically be moved to buying orders
What are selling orders?
Selling orders are simply orders created by sellers for buyers to fill. As a seller, if your order matches any of the buying order it will automatically be filled. if it does not match, it will automatically be moved to selling orders
i will post pictures to illustrate
UPDATE 5 4/3/2016
Become self employed trading cryptos
Crypto currency trading can help you become self employed. With an investment of 0.1btc or more you are an your way to becoming self employed.
I am not saying this because i read one ebook or bought a dvd explaining how to. I am actually doing it full time. it is not a difficult rocket science task. A primary school student can do it.
I advice anyone who wants to venture into this exciting terrain with at least 1btc. This is my own personal experience i want to share now.
As at yesterday(3/3/2016) i bought a coin called radium with more than 1btc( let just say 1btc for simplicity) at the rate of about 73,000 sats, today now as i am writing this post the price of radium as increase to 87,100 sats. if i decide to sell of my radium now as i am writing this update i will be getting about 1.19btc. From calculation my profit will be 0.19btc( $78 = N21,971 or so) within 24hrs.
you see how lucrative it is to trade cryptos. The fun part of it is that there is a possiblity for this fluctuation in price to occur 3 to 5times in a week. yes in a week, I am boldly talking from experience.
However, i will not sell now because i feel the price may hit about 100,000 sats or at least above 93,000sats then i will sell remove my profits and reinvest back my 1btc.
So if you are unemployed, cry no more because crypto trading is a way to be selfemployed
UPDATE 6 6/3/2016
Hello Guys, I am so excited because i just sold the RADIUM coin i bought for about 73,000 sats two days ago at an average selling pricce of about 96,000 sats. Remember i told you i invested more than 1btc. Lets calculate my profits based on 1btc investment. After selling at 96,000 sats i will be having 1.315 btc. My profits is 0.315btc($120 = N35,078).
You can confirm the price from the btc/rad chart at poloniex
This is a decent way of earning a living if you ask me.
UPDATE 7 6/3/2016
After my little exploit earlier, I decided to use 2 bitcoins to buy a coin called MAIDSAFECOIN at the rate 28,505 sats this morning with the hopes that it will rise above 32,000 sats before i sell.
Now, you maybe wondering what prompted me to buy this coin. Well, it is not that i can see tomorrow(i wish i could though LOL) it is all based on calculated guess as a result of the information that is available to me about the coin.
1. 1 to 2 weeks trend: the coin has been showing an upward trend since the past 2 weeks. For every fall in price there tends to be a significant rise in price. This is what motivated me.
2. Again the trading volume and the buy support is a great motivator too.
I am willing to wait at least 2 to 4 days tops a week to see how i fare. if the price hits about 35,000 sats, i will definitely sell and collect my profits. I will be updating on that............. stay tuned
UPDATE 8 8/3/2016
I invested 2btc to purchases maidsafecoin at the rate of 28,505 sats. Now the price of maidsafecoin is about 23,950 sats, which a fall in price. If i decide to sell now i will be making a loss which i dont want. So what do i do? simple i just wait another day and see how it goes.
The question now is what if the price falls further, is there something to be done? A big yes. Even when the price is falling you can still make a profit. I will tell you how in the next update...... stay tuned........
UPDATE 9 8/3/2016
I have received so many calls on how to start trading as a newbie and the need for someone to hold them by the hand and guide them. personally, nobody thought me all what i know now, i learn the hard way.But the goodnews is that you dont need to learn the hard way anymore.
For starters,
1. register for an account at any exchange of your choice(i have more than 10 verified accounts in different exchanges).
2. Purchase your bitcoin( i advice minimum 1btc if you can afford it) from any verified nigerian exchangers or use your debit card to purchase from after verification.
3 move your bitcoin to any of the trading exchanges you have registered with then decide which coin you feel is cheap and likely to increase in value.
4.After decision making, you buy the coin and start monitoring the market with the hope that the price will increase in value after a day or week etc.
NOTE: your decision to buy any coin is not based on the fact you know the outcome of the coin tomorrow. it is based on realistic information/parameters available about the coin prior to its been purchased. which include the following to four week chart trend
2 the trading volume
3 the buy support
4 recent developments on the coin by its developers etc
UPDATE 10 10/3/2016
When a coin you bought is falling in value, this is what to do inorder to minimise loss or even eliminate it entirely
1. Make sure you have reserve buying coin(btc) to cushion the effects of the fall. chances are that the price may pick up and you will be making profits all the way.
this is what i mean, if you have 4 bitcoins and you strongly believe maidsafecoin is the coin to buy at the moment, and also not forgetting that cryptos is volatile, you first of all buy with 2 bitcoins and monitor the market, if it falls use the 3rd bitcoin to buy at the new price. if it falls again use the 4th bitcoin to buy at the new price at this point you now have an average buying price lower than the price you bought with 2 btc initially. if the price now rise above the average buying price, you will be making a profit.
if it does not increase, and you cannot wait to long, at this point you decide the percentage loss you are will to take and leave the market for another one. this should be the last resort though because i have use this method and got burnt. As i was counting my loss and leaving the market about 10 to 15mins later the price almost trippled
LESSON to be learnt from crypto trading is PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE.
Below are foreign exchanges where you can buy bitcoins with your debit cards
you can also trade your bitcoin with fiat as well.
exchanges where you can trade bitcoin with altcoins
you can get more from
you can also trade your bitcoin with fiat as well.
exchanges where you can trade bitcoin with altcoins
you can get more from
As we all know Bitcoin is the pioneer of all crypto currencies that exists today. The purpose of this post is to inform the readers of 3 ways to make money from bitcoin and other cryptos called alt coins. Get more information about alternative coins at
1. MINING: This is a way of getting these coins and then sell it. it does not come that cheap though. Mining is simply solving complex mathematical problems with the help of your computing power and get rewarded with these coins for solving the problem. In the past it was very easy to mine bitcoin with your laptop. Its a different ball game now because the difficulty rate of solving those maths problem is very high now and requires high end machines to do that is if you want to go solo.
you can join mining pools to get this coins if you cant go solo. if you want to make use of your laptop to mine some alternative coins you can make use of minergate. i use it personally. i will post the link later or you can just google it and download it.
2. BE A SPECULATOR: There are many alt coins that have huge potentials in the future. E.g Ethereum. less than 2 months ago ethereum was sold for less than $0.6. It is now above $5. As a speculator what do you do with this kind of coin. simple, you buy them as there are cheap now and wait 3, 6, 9 or even 12 months before you sell. trust me you wont regret it. There are some alt coins that show a lot of potentials too. Do your research and buy them cheap now and keep. Good luck.
3. BE A CRYPTO TRADER:This is the best and easiest way of making more bitcoin and money. This is similar to FOREX but different in that crypto trading has high volatility and that is where the money is VOLATILITY. I am involved in crypto trading full time. Ever since i started about 5 months ago i have no regrets.
just like FOREX there is a trading pair eg usd/eur , usd/gbp etc. In crypto trading you have pairs like btc/usd, btc/eur, btc/ltc , btc/eth and so on. There are more than 50 pairs you can trade in different exchanges on the net. Just do your research well and decide which is ok for you.
The question is how much can i start with. The good thing i like about crypto trading is that you can start with any amount and you can cash out anytime. I will want to stop here for now.
From time to time i will be posting all i know and think is relevant to crypto trading.
feel free to ask any question relating to trading cryptos and i will be glad to assist with what i know. The information is free and i am not selling any ebooks or asking you to send your email or any scheme to ask or solicite for money.
1. MINING: This is a way of getting these coins and then sell it. it does not come that cheap though. Mining is simply solving complex mathematical problems with the help of your computing power and get rewarded with these coins for solving the problem. In the past it was very easy to mine bitcoin with your laptop. Its a different ball game now because the difficulty rate of solving those maths problem is very high now and requires high end machines to do that is if you want to go solo.
you can join mining pools to get this coins if you cant go solo. if you want to make use of your laptop to mine some alternative coins you can make use of minergate. i use it personally. i will post the link later or you can just google it and download it.
2. BE A SPECULATOR: There are many alt coins that have huge potentials in the future. E.g Ethereum. less than 2 months ago ethereum was sold for less than $0.6. It is now above $5. As a speculator what do you do with this kind of coin. simple, you buy them as there are cheap now and wait 3, 6, 9 or even 12 months before you sell. trust me you wont regret it. There are some alt coins that show a lot of potentials too. Do your research and buy them cheap now and keep. Good luck.
3. BE A CRYPTO TRADER:This is the best and easiest way of making more bitcoin and money. This is similar to FOREX but different in that crypto trading has high volatility and that is where the money is VOLATILITY. I am involved in crypto trading full time. Ever since i started about 5 months ago i have no regrets.
just like FOREX there is a trading pair eg usd/eur , usd/gbp etc. In crypto trading you have pairs like btc/usd, btc/eur, btc/ltc , btc/eth and so on. There are more than 50 pairs you can trade in different exchanges on the net. Just do your research well and decide which is ok for you.
The question is how much can i start with. The good thing i like about crypto trading is that you can start with any amount and you can cash out anytime. I will want to stop here for now.
From time to time i will be posting all i know and think is relevant to crypto trading.
feel free to ask any question relating to trading cryptos and i will be glad to assist with what i know. The information is free and i am not selling any ebooks or asking you to send your email or any scheme to ask or solicite for money.
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