Bitcoin is down 0.05% at$1,058.20 with a volume of 19k - 20M on the USD pairs.
Litecoin is up 0.53% against the dollar for the day at $3.75 and down 0.50% to 0.003571 on volumes of 360 BTC.
Ether is down 0.97% against Bitcoin at 0.01230 per Ether and up 0.94% against the dollar on $12.85 with average volume 6.1k BTC on the ETH/BTC pair.
Zcash is up 0.44% for the day to 0.02936 BTC per ZEC and up 0.52% against the dollar to $31.20 with average volume of 340 BTC for the 24 hour period.
Monero is up 8.65% against the dollar at $12.14 and down 9.18% against Bitcoin at 0.01138 on volumes of 4.3k BTC.
Ether Classic is down 1.04% to Ƀ 0.001145 with volumes of 240 BTC and flat against the dollar at $1.22.
Dash is up 0.10% at 0.02075 with 3.6k BTC volume and up 0.51% against the dollar at $21.58.
Waves is down 4.69% 0.0002193 on 70 BTC volume.
Stratis is up 2.05% to 0.00007756 on 46 BTC volume.
Lisk has 71 BTC volume for the day. The price is down 4.46% at 0.0001284.
PASC is down 7.26% at 0.0002235 with an average volume of 137 BTC