Friday, 15 April 2016


I require a big time investor who as enough funds to spare in acquiring 100 bitcoins or more for trading and speculative purpose.

Benefits to the investor

  1. Funds are not lost during trading activities unlike FOREX where all funds and investments can be lost. I will clearly explain how I shall achieve this to the investor.
  2. The investor is in full charge of the account as only him/her shall have the access to withdraw funds at any time of the day. I shall only have access to the accounts only for trading purpose.
  3. I shall give daily or weekly report to the investor either by soft or hard copy.
  4. Profits may be generated on a daily, weekly or monthly bases depending on the strategy I may choose to use and data available to me at a point in time.
  5. The investor doesn’t need to release any funds or money to me because every transactions in terms of acquiring the digital asset(bitcoin) will be initiated from his/her bank account. 
  6. I shall open a multi currency international bank account with a bank in Europe for the investor with prepaid cards denominated in (USD, EUR, GBP). All this shall be in the investors name at no cost to the investor.
  7. A profit of about 5% to 70%  or more can be made on a weekly to monthly bases depending on volatility without affecting the initial investment.
  8. With the above required  minimum  investment, I can guarantee any investor of not loosing any investments all things been equal. I shall clearly explain how this can be achieved.

My terms and conditions

  1. Profit shall be shared on a ratio of 50: 50 anytime the said profit is made. And I shall only be paid with the digital asset bitcoin only.
  2. I shall have unrestricted access to the account only for trading purposes with the investor fully aware anytime I logg in.
  3. A 2 factor authentication or email authentication shall be setup so that only the investor shall have access to withdraw funds from the account.

Any person willing to invest with the minimum amount of 100 bitcoins and above and in agreement to my terms can contact me on phone or email on how to setup everything and commence immediately.



  1. Replies
    1. It is about $420 which amounts to about N135,000/bitcoin. So to get a 100 bitcoin. You need approx. N13,500,000. This is huge but very very rewarding for any big investor who can go for it.

      As I said funds will not be lost. I shall clearly explain everything even before setting up.

  2. That’s truly a nice investment proposal. I want to do few investments but not finding any good opportunity. Now planning to get suggestions from a trustworthy certified financial advisor Las Vegas for the same.
